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 Vive les MTT 1$ !

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Serial Bluffer
Serial Bluffer

Nombre de messages : 1857
Age : 43
Localisation : Grenoble
Emploi : dev. informatique

Vive les MTT 1$ ! Empty
MessageSujet: Vive les MTT 1$ !   Vive les MTT 1$ ! EmptyJeu 5 Mar 2009 - 22:10

1ère main du tournois:

Seat 1: siggibv ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 2: Schlimmjim1 ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 3: M_i_c_k_y ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 5: bs667 ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 8: antkech ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 10: hazdovka ($1,500 in chips)
Schlimmjim1 posts small blind ($10), M_i_c_k_y posts big blind ($20).

bs667 calls $20, antkech calls $20, hazdovka folds, siggibv bets $80, Schlimmjim1 folds, M_i_c_k_y calls $60, bs667 calls $60, antkech calls $60.

FLOP [board cards: 8D,2D,7H ]
M_i_c_k_y checks, bs667 checks, antkech bets $200, siggibv folds, M_i_c_k_y bets $450, bs667 folds, antkech calls $250.

TURN [board cards: 8D,2D,7H,AS ]
M_i_c_k_y bets $450, antkech bets $900, M_i_c_k_y calls $450.

RIVER [board cards: 8D,2D,7H,AS,QH ]
M_i_c_k_y bets $20, antkech bets $70 and is all-in, M_i_c_k_y calls $50 and is all-in.

antkech shows [ 3S,KC ]
M_i_c_k_y shows [ 7C,7D ]
M_i_c_k_y wins $3,170.
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Vive les MTT 1$ !
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