| Les notes d'Iggy sur les variantes | |
| | Auteur | Message |
iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: Les notes d'Iggy sur les variantes Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:05 | |
| Salut à tous, Voici mes brouillons... _ Mais c'est quoi exactement ce truc ? Quand je lis un livre ou le contenu d'un site, j'ai pris l'habitude de l'étudier à fond et de prendre des notes. D'en faire une sorte de résumé. Cela m'aide à assimiler les choses. _ C'est rédigé ? Non, c'est du franglais à la iggy, pas bien compliqué, y'a pas de phrase. C'est fait pour être réduit au minimum. _ C'est destiné à qui ? Il est destiné surtout aux personnes désireuse de découvrir de nouvelles variantes. Apprendre/comprendre les bases vite, pour pouvoir commencer sur de bonne base au petite limit. _ Quelles variantes ? razz, stud, stud8, omaha, omaha8, limit holdem, 2-7. Plus deux trois autres trucs. _ C'est fini ? Non c'est en perpétuelle evolution. Ca depend de ce que je lit, rencontre ici et là. _ T'es sources ? Livres : Super System 2, Syper System 1, Seven Card Stud for Advanced player, omaha championchip, les Dan Harrington, Slansky on Poker. Sites : o8poker.com, studstrategy.com, twoplustwo.com, winningonlinepoker.com, plus d'autres. Il existe aussi une version ".doc" téléchargable : http://membres.multimania.fr/sgalliere/file/handbook_iggy.zip IggY -------------------------- creation : 25 Juillet 2006 update : 22 Septembre 2006 -- inflection point update : 08 Octobre 2006 -- razz + carte out en stud update : 20 Novembre 2006 -- Holdem Limit refait + création d'un .doc udpate : 06 Decembre 2006 -- les Deals en table final
Dernière édition par le Ven 8 Déc 2006 - 12:55, édité 11 fois | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: RAZZ Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:06 | |
| RAZZ =====
3rd street =-=-=-=-=-=
1/ Stealing ------------ _ que des H et on chope une L _ 1er a parler, J2/6 -> bet, si un gars call |-> L pour nous et une H pour lui -> bet |-> si il call -> surement une grosse main _ contrer un vol avec une main correct : 8-babys _ essayer de voler avec 2-babys et un L de montré _ quelqu'un avec une L reraise ? -> fold _ plus de 2 L après nous ? -> ne pas asseyer de voler _ moins voler en shorthanded -> car les antes sont moins nombreuse -> donc le pot est trop petit
2/ On chope un H ----------------- _ si on chope un H -> on se casse _ ne pas caller vs solid player, vs plus d'un adv ET si nos cartes sont dead _ ex : 34/J et seulement un 7 raise -> call |-> si on catch une L et lui un H -> check/call |-> si on catch une H, quelque soit sa carte -> fold
3/ live card ------------- _ bien si nos cartes améliorante ne sont pas dead _ super bien si les cartes qui paire notre hand sont out _ hyper bien si les cartes qui paire notre upcard sont out
4/ starting hand class ----------------------- _ 3-bikes (A2345) -> excellent _ 3-seven & 3-six -> good _ 3-grosse-seven & 3-eigh -> fair _ 3-nine & 3-grosse-eigh -> poor _ MAIS cela depend des CARTES OUTS !! 87/2 peu devenir un "fair" ou good si les bonnes cartes sont out A2/3 peu etre seulement good/fair si les mauvaises cartes sont out
5/ first to act ---------------- _ raise, ne jamais limper _ sauf sur un table aggro, limper pour reraiser derrière
6/ limp-in when ---------------- _ limper avec les goods si les mauvaises cartes sont out _ ex : 72/5 & quatre 4 & deux A sont out -> notre main devient mauvaise |-> peut limper pour voir la 4th _ limper en early avec les 3-eigh (8 up) et des L après nous _ early position + beaucoup de L outs -> good starting hand necessaire |-> 3-eigh -> fold _ si vous pensez pouvoir voler les antes -> raiser, ne limper pas
7/ vs early raising ? --------------------- _ on doit avoir une bonne main pour caller -> 3-seven (en fct des cartes outs) |-> on peu jouer une 3-eigh si des 8 sont sorties et que notre 8 est caché |-> fold 3-nine _ si on est le raiser et que quelqu'un reraise -> call pour le pot-odd _ reraise le raiser initial pour partir en HU ou contrer un vole _ double-raise on 3th ? -> le call au 4th devient automatic _ single-raise on 3th ? -> l'adv fait une erreur si nous avons catché une L et lui une H
8/ opp limp avant nous ? ------------------------- _ call or raise ? -> parfois :) _ si il y a beaucoup de L après nous, le premier limper pourra surement caller dans un multiway _ si il y a peu de L après nous, call juste et voyons le 4th _ possible de caller si un aggro parle après nous, en vue de reraiser après
4th play : =-=-=-=-=-=
1/ nous sommes parties avec 3 bonnes cartes et notre adv aussi -------------------------------------------------------------- _ bad cartes = T ou + _ cas 4 : chacuns chope une H T & opp K -> bet K & opp paired -> not bet J & opp paired -> bet on paire & opp cacth K -> if he bet -> raise car on aura la position sur lui pour la suite on cacth plus petit que notre adv -> bet _ cas 2 : on catch L et notre opp H bet, meme si on a pairé une de nos hold cartes si pas de double raise au 3rd, c'est un "bad call" de notre adv _ cas 3 : on catch H et notre opp L fold si notre adv bet exception : 3 carte très bonne et live ou double raise au 3rd _ cas 1 : chacuns chope une L on a pas pairé une hold card ? -> check/call paired hold card ? -> check et parfois call si nos toute nos carte sont live, et notre opp plutot weak
2/ nous sommes parties avec une mauvaise mains et notre adv aussi ----------------------------------------------------------------- _ catch L & opp H -> bet _ chacun catch bad, nos mains apparaise "egale" ? -> check/fold
3/ multiway pot --------------- _ catch L & opp apparament montre une plus mauvaise mains -> bet/raise _ ne pas raiser si on est second best _ on catch un 7, opp1 un K, opp2 opp3 opp4 un 6 -> K call ? -> raise ! _ essayé de faire payer la (les) grosse(s) carte(s) |-> bet si il est à notre gauche |-> check si il est à notre droite
5th play =-=-=-=-=-=
1/ principe ------------ _ 4 cartes 6-low est favoris contre un 9-low fait _ ex : A2/34K est favoris vs 36/789 _ catch bad on 4th & 5h ? -> fold vs 3 L
2/ 3-low vs 2-low ------------------ _ -> bet, meme si vous avez pairé
3/ 3-low vs 4 low ------------------ _ le 3-low doit se coucher _ ex : A2/3TQ fold vs 56/3J2
4/ 3-low vs 3-low too ---------------------- _ la meilleur des 3-low doit better _ ex : 36/7TJ bet vs A2/3JQ parcequ'il est favoris !
5/ 4-low vs 4-low ------------------ _ si pas pairé -> bet mais fold contre un raise si on pense etre derrière check/call pour jouer la securité _ si on a pairé -> check/fold
6/ 3-good showing vs 2-good (or H) ----------------------------------- _ il faut better _ mais si nous avons un 8 ou un 9 dans notre mains -> check/call _ paired ? -> bet vs no baby, check vs baby _ ex : A7/857 vs xx/28K -> bet A7/857 vs xx/A2K -> check
7/ 3-good vs 3-good -------------------- _ on pense etre devant ? -> bet ou check/raise contre des joueurs aggro _ 8-low in hold -> check/call. Raise parfois car : |-> si on chope une bonne au 6th, opp ne pourra pas claller |-> si on chope une mauvaise au 6th, opp aussi -> check/check _ pairé + board meilleur ? -> bet _ pairé + board moins bonne ? -> check/fold
6th play =-=-=-=-=-=
1/ drawing dead ? ----------------- _ il faut savoir si on est drawing dead ou pas ! _ ex : 23/67QK vs xx/52KA -> fold
2/ reading = notre adv on pairé ? --------------------------------- _ 4 babyies montré chez notre adv + on pense qu'il est partie avec 3 babies ? |-> 70% du temps il aura pairé |-> 20% du temps il aura double pairé _ facteur important : les cartes outs |-> si deux 7 et deux 6 sont dead au 3th & opp catch un 7 ou un 6 -> bonne posibilité de pair _ "the way of hand" |-> si notre opp montre la meilleur board mais ne bet pas -> possibilité de pair |-> ex : xx/752 vs xx/64J au 5th si le xx/752 call notre bet au 5th, il à surement un 6 low draw. Il catch un baby au 6th et ne bet pas, il à probablement pairé !
3/ auto fold ? -------------- _ bet si vous pensez que c'est un auto fold chez votre adv _ ex : 25/8532 vs xx/86JT -> si on bet il fold, car il se vera drawing dead 86/23T7 vs xx/68TJ -> bet car il peut folder un low 86 contre notre board
4/ time to trap ! ----------------- _ ex : xx/739K vs xx/5T2J check notre 97. Cela mettra notre adversaire dans le trouble total. trouble ? -> "pourquoi il check ?""il a pairé ?" notre adversaire pourra caller un bet au 7th croyant que sont T-low est bon
5/ can bluff ------------ _ si vous pensez que votre opp a pairé au 4th ou 5th et qu'il a catché une H au 6th |-> bet ! _ ex : xx/649K vs notre xx/3T82 si on a pairé notre 2 mais qu'il a checké au 4th contre notre T -> bet car il a probablement doublé au 4th
6/ raise pour checker la river ------------------------------- _ au 6th on sait qui va parler en premier au 7th _ il est possible de raiser au 6th pour "acheter" la 7th contre un opp qui à peut etre mieux que nous_ ex : xx/4297 raise sur xx/64T2 si le raiser est sur 765 low et que notre adv call, il checkera surament au 7th au 7th, si il bet/raise il aura surement amélioré en 6-low et on fold
7th play =-=-=-=-=
1/ facteurs important : _ cartes outs _ "way of hand" _ votre board, la (les) board(s) adverse et leurs ORDRES !
2/ Cas 1 : opp bet et nous ne savons pas trop où on ce situe ------------------------------------------------------------- _ call for odd si il sont justifié |-> read + ce que l'opp à déjà montré au showdown _ preféré raiser que contre les très bon joueurs (joueurs qui peut folder à ce niveau du jeu) _ ex : xx/J765/x vs notre xx/J852/x raise avec un 8-low seulement pour bluffer un bon joueur _ call a "no-bluff player" if you can beat him !
3/ Cas 2 : opp bet mais on pense etre devant ------------------------------------------------ _ très difficile -> raise for values !
4/ Cas 3 : opp check --------------------- _ bet si vous pouvez caller un raise _ les checks raise sont rare en razz, sauf avec le nuts (pas le second, le nuts !)
5/ Cas 4 : on parle en premier ------------------------------- _ can check raise si vous montré un 8-low au board, mais que vous avez un 6-low in the hold
Dernière édition par le Jeu 9 Nov 2006 - 16:29, édité 5 fois | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: STUD HI Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:07 | |
| Stud Hi =-=-=-= THIRD STREET ------------- 1- OUTS Importante conceptes : number of opp & upcard ex: JT/9 -> Q & 8 outs ? Remember upcard on each street, this can be change our decision later Good hand ? -> good 3 cards + live cards 2- NB OPP IN POT If not good nb of opp in pot -> play differently Isolate -> small pair good kicker, kicker high than opp upcard Multiway -> with draw hand, potentiely finish in big hand 3- ANTE STEALING tourney or high limit can steal at 3rd or 4th, but not after best upcard -> raise. If someone call, warning of buried big pair steal occasionnaly limp before us -> forget steal Raise vs tight, call vs loose. 4- THREE-OF-KING 1:425 slowplayer in tight game, raiser in loose game multiway -> reraise early position -> raise/reraise Opp can hit us on 3flush or buried pair. Play with this image. Q raise + A reraise -> just call. For don't bust our hand & opp can take trip in later street. 5- BIG PAIRS Play all time AA, but for KK & QQ, if the other Q or K is dead, play for no expensive... or fold in 3rd. Big action with biggest upcard after us -> fold. But if our kicker is biggest -> call ex: AJ/J + no A dead + K raise + Q reraise -> call No big action, and kicker live -> raise Play carrefuly in later street, if opp board is dangerous Try to go in HU try check/raise if loose aggressif after us. 6- SMALL/MEDIUM PAIRS Importantes Pts : Cards lives ? What the values of our kicker ? What the value of our mid/small pair between other upcards ? 2-flush in hand -> flush cards live ? Can play buried small pair with big kicker exposed. If we catch a trip, it will be invisible. 7- 3-FLUSH Importantes Pts : Position, live cards flush, values of biggest cards in our hand. 3 other cards flush is exposed ? -> check/fold If our exposed cards is biggest -> possible to raise 2 big cards -> raise big card buried -> call 8- 3-STRAIGHT Importantes Pts : what cards opp show ? Potential cards for my straigh are lives ? Identical cards of my hand is outs ? If we are flush hand, this flush is live ? Preferaly big/mid cards. 4 pts rules (primary 2pts, secondary 1pts) 9- CALL VS RAISE Raise for HU with pair, big cards and high straigh draw. Call with draw and potential big hand at the finish 10- OPP PLAY FOR WHAT ? Improve our hand is good, but can it beat opp hand ? Never forget this ! LATER STREET ------------- 1- 4TH STREET If HU & first to act, vs a 3rd raise, try check/raise if you improve If you improve, but opp show dangerous board (AKs, JTs, etc), slow down the action with a check/call. It's difficult to steal in 4th (no double bet, juste one card deal) Big draw in 3rd, catch bad in 4th, it's possible to check/call for see 5th. If opp catch an Ace -> be carreful, aces improve often starting hand (2A/2A, TQ/KA, AK/TA, etc) In 3rd, if J raise, and you call with 3flush. You catch K suited, -> bet/raise. Opp can fold now, or if he call, pot odds is good for our draw on 5th. 2- BOARD PAIRED double pair, but lower than biggest cards opp -> bet for take information trip -> bet/raise, never slowplay trip in 4th 3- 5TH STREET After 3rd decision, the 5th decision is the most importante. Think you are best -> bet. Never give freecard in 5th Big pair can be dead at 5th if improved cards is dead. ex: KT/K84o, opp show AK, and other opp show KT -> fold Agressif player after him, try check/raise. This is powerfull in 5th than other street. More easy to steal the pot in 5th, if 4th is checked. On 5th, you want adjust your play in function of nb opp and board. Except with monster, avoid raise/reraise in multiway pot. This will enlarge considerably the pot. 4- 6TH STREET Generaly good % to continue on 6th. If you think, the opp hand is dead -> bet Try check raise, if your hand is invisible If you catch trip in 4th -> bet, because the opp propably don't show your hand, or he's on draw. No freecard for drawer ! 5- 7TH STREET Importante question : "What this cards can improve opp hand ?" Don't bluff on 7th. Play passif on this later street, because : If the actions are so far before, the pot it's big, and one extra full bet don't change enough. If the actions are poor, your are not enough information on opp hand. Can fold in river in multiway pot. In HU, you want certainly fold before... If you take max on river, bet/raise, because you opp can call for odds. MATHEMATIC ----------- source : http://membres.multimania.fr/clubpoker/poker/Stud_high/Stud_high.htmAttention : amelioration au maximum, si aucune carte live out
Dernière édition par le Mar 8 Aoû 2006 - 16:19, édité 8 fois | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: STUD HI/LO Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:07 | |
| Stud hi/lo =-=-=-=-=-=-= 1: SCOOPING ------------ décide de jouer un coup, ou de continuer à jouer dans un coup -> "Can I scoop the whole pot ?" If not, folding. 2: 3-BIG OR 3-LOW BUT NEVER 3-MID ---------------------------------- 3-big Play biggest pair in table. JK/J and Q raise, fold Fait attention, si on notre adversaire fait un low-straight ou low-flush ! 3-mid laisser tomber les 9,T,J & Q si il y'a des overcards execption : 1_ il n'y à pas plus haut que 8 sur la board 2_ HU : pair caché et bon kicker contre mid pair (99/J vs xx/T in HU !) 3-low 3 cartes en dessous de 8, ne veut pas dire forcément main jouable. 3: STARTING LOW HAND (by hierarchy) ------------------------------------ _ 3 suited low with A or 3-straight is much better only surpassed by rolled-up (brelan) le plus d'adversaire possible, c'est mieux first act -> raise. already raiser -> call. Hu -> raise _ no-gappers 6-7-8, 5-6-7, 4-5-6, 3-4-5, 2-3-4 & A-2-3 5-6-7 vs a High opponent si better. Car si on catch un 9, notre adversaire crois qu'on à pris un bad cards, alors qu'on à un straigh draw. 67/539 vs xx/KQ9. Opp bet, easly raise ! Car nous avons 4 A, 4 2 pour slipter, et 4 4, 4 8 pour scooper. Et ceci deux fois, au 6th et au 7th. _ 1-gappers 5-6-8, 5-7-8, 4-5-7, 3-4-6, 3-5-6, 2-3-5, 2-4-5 & A-2-4 si on prend une bonne cartes au 4th, raise si on prend une bad carte et notre opp aussi, call si on prend une bad carte et notre opp prend un bonne, call si mauvaise encore au 5th, check/fold _ 2-gappers & double-gappers Same values double 8-7-4, 8-5-4, 7-6-3, 7-4-3, 6-5-2, 6-3-2, 5-4-A & 5-2-A two 8-6-4, 7-5-3, 6-4-2 & 5-3-A call one bet, but not two. Call in late position, fold vs tight players ne pas hésiter à jeter si mauvais low draw. 84/72 vs xx/64 vs xx/Q9 -> fold, car peu de possibilité de high, et notre low n'est pas max vs xx/64. _ Ace & 2 babies draw pour un low max peu chopper un Ace ou faire quinte pour le high play aggressivly, pour faire fuir les middle pair, préférer jouer contre des opp qui tire en bas aussi. _ hands with an 8 see concepte 12 8 low loose vs all low except other 8 low. Ne pas se marrier avec les 8-hands Be carreful with 8 in your starting hand ! 4: BIG PAIRS ------------- In hi/lo qualifer, players must qualify for low. If your opp fails to do so. Your high hand scoop the pot ! exemple : KK/9279 vs 34/67JQ _ Aces with baby -> best hand in HU. Same like 3-suited in multiway raise & reraise with Aces-baby raise/call with Aces-no baby split aces, hand high cards raise, just call. Au 4th check/call if you take big, bet/raise if you take low -> camouflage power ! _ other big pairs QQ & KK must be played very carrefuly ! If A raise front of you, fold. Play this in HU, vs no ace, no straigh draw... easy ? :) 5: NEVER HAVE THE SECOND-BEST HIGH HAND ---------------------------------------- if you want play only for high in multiway pot, play for max high. Don't bluff, play it like stud hi. Fold on 3th or 4th if another opp is better than our high. 6: MISCELLANEOUS STARTING HANDS -------------------------------- _ small pairs with ace kicker attention à ne pas draw vers le second-max in both direction class your opp in hi or lo or both. Play in 4th in function. if you catch bad and he catch good -> check/fold if you catch good and he catch bad -> call play this hand passive, and prefer HU or late position _ small pairs with baby kicker marginal hand, play it if 2-straight with your pair if bad 4th, check/fold if good 4th, As or trip, bet/raise don't hesitate to fold this hand preflop if even action _ 3-flush with 2 babies if upcard 9,T,J and bigger card raises, fold best upcard in board, raise for representing big pair low upcard, play passive representing "another low" _ 3-straight with a 9-high never play vs a baby upcard in opp if opp try for high only, hand is playable very marginal hand, fold it if you want play tight ! 7: PLAYING BIG PAIRS --------------------- _ vs one opp going low if he catch low card straight or flush draw -> check/call After all, if he catch big or another low (with gaps) -> bet out ! KT/K6 vs xx/83 -> if he catch big, bet/raise -> faut le faire payer KT/K6 vs xx/45o -> check/call on 4th -> on 5th, if he catch big bet/raise too, if he catch low check/call KT/K6 vs xx/27s -> passive too _ vs multiple opp going low just call a bet on 3th. Wait for 4th, and opp take bad for betting K9/KT vs xx/47 vs xx/6J vs xx/2J, bet/raise for play with 47 K9/KT vs xx/47 vs xx/65 vs xx/25, if double bet -> fold big pair play well vs one low hand, but poorly vs multi low hand 8: CONCEALED HIGH HAND ----------------------- if trips, buried aces or bured pair bigger than anyone else's upcard Then play your hand according to what your upcard represent _ hi card = representing big pair -> raise _ mid card = raise, hopefuly trap a opp with a lower pair _ low card = and catch bad card, check raise or check call _ multiway = never show your big hand, sauf si il y'a gros danger de meilleur high If you take quad, or full, bet-out ! If your opp draw for low, he paid it. If he take low, slip pot, if no you take whole the pot... big pot. 9: DISPELLING A LONG-HELD MISCONCEPTION Si il y a 2 aces out, 24% tu temps l'un d'eux aura un split Aces ou un trip aces. 10: RECOGNIZING THE NUT LOW ---------------------------- start counting low by top. ex: 34568 vs A2378 -> 86 better than 87 A4567 vs A2348 -> 76 better than 84 A2467 vs 23467 -> 7642 better than 7643 weakest low is 87654, strongest is 5432A If opp going for high, we can play second best low. But if multi-opp going for low, second best low can be fold. 56/7 vs KK/3 vs KJ/K -> if 3 up reraise, he looks like big buried pair -> perfect spot for our 56/7 56/7 vs 85/3 vs KJ/K -> you go for hi&lo, 85/3 for low and KJ/K for hi -> good spot too 11: PLAYING LOW HANDS ---------------------- only low -> fold good starting hand (A26 or 234) and bad catch -> fold If catch bad on 4th, fold or call for see 5th ? Depend of opp board, position and pot size (how many bet in 3th). ex: 34/5J vs xx/67 vs xx/K9 -> fold because K can bet and 67 raise, and we stay in middle of battle. 23/56 vs xx/Kx vs xx/A7 -> do not agresse for give max player in next street 12: BEWARE THE 8 ----------------- Carrefuly if you going for 8-low vs another low. Unless you have flush/straigh draw. Don't play mediocre one-way hand, like 238, 248, 237 or 267. ex: 84/269J/5 vs K6/KJ62/9, brint-it with 2... this hand is wrong ! 84/2 is mediocre one-way low hand. If you didn't make low, you loose all, if you catch your low, you split... bad bad bad way. Stud8 is game of discipline and patience 13: KEEPING TRACK OF THE UPCARDS --------------------------------- Imperative in stud8. Remenber low card and suited card. _ Upcards & Hand Reading The cards seen help you decipher opp. But be carrefuly of deceptive hand like A2/K alls suited, or KK/2. if opp raise with 5 on 3th. And two 2 and two 6 is up in 3th. On 4th opp catch 2 and 6 on 5th. Probably he take a monster low/straigh. If you remenbering this, you can muck big pair or other. _ recognizing when an opp pairs his holecard Know your opp playing. ex: 45/78 vs xx/Kx vs xx/26 vs xx/46 actions : K bet, 26 raise, 46 fold. call one bet, but not two. Because 46 certainly paired 6. _ blockers ex : 55/5237 vs xx/764A last 5 was out on 3th opp can't make straight for high, and you had big high. Call and if you make low on 7th, bet/raise, even check/call. And beat he's bluff 14: ELIMINATING THE COMPETITION -------------------------------- 3-way pot, if you are best low/no good hi and one opp going hi, and one opp going low. Raise for force out the 1way high hand. And play vs opp going low. ex: A2/43J6 vs xx/KQ43 vs xx/765T raise for out KQ, after your AJ can beat T high in second opp. 78/45 vs xx/86 vs xx/KQ if KQ bet, raise for out the 86, because he has better low than us 34/67 vs xx/5J vs xx/KT KT bet -> Raise for out 5J. Why ? Because your hand is not finish, if you catch bad and 5J catch good, your are in trouble. Whereas vs KT, you are many out for half pot and some for scoop. Time for "divide & conquer" 15: ANTE STEALING ------------------ If Ace upcard, and many low after us, don't try it. If Ace upcard, and many mid cards after us, try it. In shorthanded, if you brint-it with 2, and no low upcards in board, try it. don't subborn on a steal, reraise after us ? Smyle and fold. 16: DEFENDING AGAINST THE STEAL -------------------------------- If you feel it (opp=loose aggressif player, with A up) ex: 23/5 vs xx/5, if he raise, and you suspect steal, RERAISE, never call a steal. 6J/5 vs xx/6, if 6 try steal, fold, you can't defending final word : ------------- Remember, the point of playing games is to have fun, and poker is the greatest game ever created! | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: OMAHA HI Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:08 | |
| OMAHA HI =-=-=-=-=
GOAL -----
The big difference between texas and omaha, is that the nuts is out much more frequently in omaha. -> build the nuts hand -> with a redraw to better hand ex : Q952 vs QJT9 on flop Q96 flush on board ? You want have flush max Straight on board ? You want have max straigh Board is paired ? Don't forget trip/full house or bigger full house in other street
DRAW TO THE NUTS ----------------- _ The most confrontation in omaha is flush over flush, set over set, full over full and straight over straight. Not sur to have the best hand ? Draw to nuts and this question not appear. _ Do not play small & medium pair. This last take small & medium set/full... _ Draw for nuts flush
STRAIGHT DRAW --------------- _ holdem straight draw = 8 max outs, in omaha = 21 max outs ! ex : QJ87 on flop T93. 6,7,8,J,Q or K makes straight _ Wary to no max straight draw ! And to cards makes flush in board. Do not count this outs in multiway pot.
REDRAW ------- _ the question is : "will my hand be good if I hit it?”. No ? fold it. _ wary to unique drawing hand. Board J32, hand like A45x or 456x is better than 45XX _ In HU, is not rarely to take nuts vs opp nuts too, especialy for straight. But if you have redraw flush or full, your are in very good spot ! Max redraw other max can make big profit, because your opp can't fold.
MULTIWAY FLOP -------------- _ Hitting a multi-way flop is the most profitable situation in Omaha. _ don't hesitate to fold if you miss the flop _ never slowplay, if you catch good, bet/raise
STARTING HAND -------------- What are you building ? In omaha you want big straigh, big set, big flush and big full... well choose cards in function ! _ QQxx, KKxx : call a raise with good conector (QQT9), limp/fold if bad sidecard (QQ73) - AHHH : limp, call a raise if position - suited As : AHHH, As suited with other, playable Axxx, if double suited with a connector - JT98, +/- 1 gap : good for draw and multiway pot - AAxx good in HU (65%) double suited + 2 HH = monster because draw on 2 flush and potential big full (AAKK) double suited + 1 connector = monster because draw flush and straight (AAJT) _ exemple fair hand, folding if raise : 7766, 4567, 7765, A567 suited _ exemple danger hand : JJ52, TT65, QJ85 or AK73 suited
PREFLOP RAISE -------------- _ get more money in pot _ if you raise preflop, the opps play looser after flop. Because he put more money in middle. _ with big pair, don't raise the pot. Because smaller pair must be come. _ raise for get position
HOW MUCH TO BET ---------------- _ the "client" are not rarely in omaha. If you catch nuts, raise minus than half of pot. Don't hesitate to reraise the pot if you get raised. _ no freecard in omaha. Only one cards can change all the board !
PLAY ON FLOP ------------- _ Don't stay in hand unless : you have nuts, preferably with redraw -> put lot of money in the pot ! you have a signifiant number of nuts outs ! To call a bet. you want bluffing (only in shorthanded) or no one has bet. _ "Close to" the nuts : Bet with top 2-pair, top/mid set but FOLD vs pot-sized bet with top 2-pair (if no action preflop). _ Don't get married with your hand ! Never ! _ flush nuts is vulnerable hand in flop, bet/raise. Very wary if the board paired on later street. _ current nuts full ? -> bet for chasse overpair, hand paid by lower full. _ play very carefully the under full
PLAY ON TURN ------------- most difficult decision in omaha. Pot are big, redraw can fall for opp. _ if turn are conterfeited your hand and no redraw possible -> check/fold _ have position in omaha, for turn decision is very important _ always nuts ? bet out ! _ if turn not improved your hand, check/call if you are minus than 13 outs
PLAY ON RIVER -------------- _ don't try to squeeze the pot with small bet if you haven't the best hand. In this situation, try to avoid check/raise by check in last position. _ get full vs opp flush, bet 1/4 of pot for get called. Good player can fold if he is rivered. _ don't call pot-sized bet with second best hand _ in general, play passive the river if you are not max. check/call _ information of your opp is very importante for river decision. Size your bet in function. _ opp = calling station + best hand -> bet hard !
EVALUATE YOUR OPPONENTS ------------------------ Omaha is the next variante play after holdem. Lot of player begins learn other variantes, begins by Omaha. _ new to omaha : he play lot of big holdem hand, but bad in omaha (AKxx, JJxx, etc) He call with top pair top kicker, he is relativly passif _ glamber : no hand are very big preflop. The "glamber" like to show the flop and take decision after. He can hold all or nothing, if he call/raise in flop, he probably catch a big invisible hand. _ rock : very tight and relative passive player. Play correctly but no bluffing. If you begin in omaha, you want play like rock. _ shark : multitabling, raise preflop, manipulate opp, know when to fold, know good situation for check/raise. Can start with big drawing hand and count nuts outs. He is max stacked in table, etc
BLUFFING --------- _ Be very careful with bluff in omaha. _ The best time to bluff is when you have missed your draw, but the turn or river card has probably counterfeited your opponent's hand anyway. _ good opportunity for bluff appear if in shorthanded pot, the board is single suited, or paired _ you can semi-bluff if you have many outs for nuts. Bet pot-sized on flop, if you get called and lucky on turn/river, you can take big pot, because your hand is invisible. Play the turn/river like if you miss and trap your opp. _ if you get check/raised, or you bluff afraid your opp -> fold and play tight for the next | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: OMAHA HI/LO Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:08 | |
| OMAHA HI/LO =-=-=-=-=-=-= STARTING HAND ------------- L=2-5 H=T-K AA2X, AA3X -> prenium hand, equivalent of QQ/KK in holdem. No AA equivalent in 08. A2XX is playable. A3XXs, with As suited ; A3LX ; A3HH AALX ; AAHH ; AAXXds (be carreful with this last) HHHH, if double suited or double paired or single suited with pair 23XX, if XX is low or single suited (be carrreful with this too) 8 COMMON MISTAKES ----------------- _ Mis-reading the board _ Continuing when playing for half the pot _ Valuing outs incorrectly _ Drawing for 2nd best hands _ Bluffing too much _ Overplaying AAXX _ Going on tilt _ Being too aggro with one-way hands SCOOPING IS A GOAL ------------------- scooping is much profitable than split. ex : _scoop, you win 8,5 big bets - 3,5 big bets put yourself = 5 big bets profit _split, you win 4,25 big bets - 3,5 big bets put yourself = 0,75 big bets profit COUNTING OUTS -------------- When you call in omaha8 to win half of the pot, half of every bet you put in goes to the opp who wins other half. _ key : when playing for half the pot, multiply the pot by 0,4 and use those for pot odds. In reality, multiply by 0,5 and the odds is little worse than result. _ key : outs must to be discounted by opp redraw ex scoop : 234K vs 66KT on 569. We are 13 outs for make straight, but opp have redraw full 25% of the time (don't improve 75%). Real out for scoop is 13x0,75=9,75. You want calcul pot odd with 9,75 outs. ex low : A2TT on 348. You make nuts low if no A or 2 fall in board. So 52-4-3=45, and 45-3-3=39 (3As & 3deuces). You want calcul pot odd with 39 outs. PREFLOP RAISING ---------------- Why raising prelfop : _ get more money in pot (most important) _ eliminate opp (most important) _ to be the aggressor _ take information _ get position _ steal blinds Try to balance good/bad concequence. Exemple of bad concequence : more pot odd for opp in later street, take information of our hand, etc. Make sur the advantage outweigh the desadvantage. PROMOTION RAISING ------------------ principe : raising for knock out opp, for provoque HU, if our hand have nuts one-way and middle in other-way. ex : A234s on 469 with 2 suited. Bet/raise for knock out big high-way hand. _ promot raising is not free _ can't try to promote too farr _ careful trying promote in family pot _ careful trying promote in big pot (try on flop, or tunr without action, but not in very raised pot) _ try to promote for high, be careful to promote for low BLUFFING --------- problem with bluffing : _ you opp can go for high or for low and call _ one opp representing 6 hands, and can beat you with outdraw Opportunities : _ betting when only high card in flop _ betting on the river when low draws miss _ betting when low draws are counterfeited (use very caution with this !) PLAYING HIGH HANDS ------------------- Play for nuts high, with good redraw. Play hand like a very tight omaha hi game. Goal is to scoop the pot, because the low isn't coming. Missing flop ? -> fold Good flop ? -> aggro aggro TOURNEYS --------- classical tournament strategy, but someone key in Omaha8 : _ shorthanded hand values. A234 good for multiway, but A5QQ is better in shorthanded. No hand becomes very strong HU vs other hand. _ targeting opp is importante in omaha8. Because weak player fold to much when blind increase, try to steal blinds for example. _ aggro ! Maximize your fold equity. If opp fold -> you scoop. SHORTHANDED PLAY ----------------- General principe : _ don't need the nuts anymore, espacially for high _ reading/classing opp is more importante, because you against same player few time _ play more loose. Patience and nuts-pedding are less important _ play more aggro _ enter in pot with raise is preferable _ HU -> need chance for scoop _ know your hand values change Add this hand in shorthanded : A4XX, KKXX, 234X, 245H, A5 with something, QQ with something, 234 with something, LLXX (XX is pair) Bad hand in shorthanded : HHHL, HHXX (XX is low pair), HLXX (XX is low pair), split pairs, trips & quad MATHEMATIQUE ------------- In full table : _ preflop : A2xx = 6% ; A23x = 1% ; A2 another A2 is out = 36% _ A3, A2 is out = 52% _ A3, no A2 no A3 = 30% _ A4, A2 or A3 or 23 is out = 86% _ KXs, AXs is out = 36% Getting flops : _ A2, get low = 7% _ A2, get low draw = 37% _ 23, get ALX = 13% _ A3, get 2LX = 13% _ A4, get 23X = 4% _ A2 with 34K, counterfeited = 25% flop structure : _ HHH = 5% _ HHL = 32% _ HLL = 46% _ LLL = 16% Chance making low at showdown : - Code:
______________________________________________ |deal... | Preflop | Flop LLX | Flop LXX | |____________________________________________| |2 low cards | 24% | 59% | 16% | |3 low cards | 40% | 72% | 26% | |4 low cards | 49% | 70% | 24% | |____________________________________________|
Dernière édition par le Dim 8 Oct 2006 - 15:53, édité 1 fois | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: HOLDEM LIMIT (non fini) Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:09 | |
| LIMIT HOLDEM =-=-=-=-=-=-=
1. PREFLOP : ------------
1.1 Hypothese : full ring (10 handed) position est un facteur tres important 1&2 -> blinds, 3&4 -> early, 5,6&7 -> mid, 8&9 -> late
1.2 Early : _ AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, AK, AQ, AJs & KQs _ in passive game add ATs, 99 & 88 _ prenimum hand ? -> raise |-> for enlarge pot and narrow fields _ limping ? |-> KK -> never limp ! If multiway (3 or +) and Ace come in flop... very trouble |-> try to know who like limp with Ax or suited connector |-> KQs -> good to limp
1.3 Mid : _ playing prenium hand (AA, KK, QQ, AK) AA, KK or AK -> raise or reraise if anyone as raise sometimes limp with AKs _ mid pair (JJ, TT, 99) first to act ? -> raise someone raise before ? -> reraise for narrow field (vs an AKs) |-> represent big hand _ AQ first to act ? -> raise vs early raiser -> depend |-> vs tight -> fold |-> vs loose -> reraise for isolate sometimes you can call IF you are certainly you can reraise after _ Marginal hands (Axs, KQ, KJ, QJ, JT, T9s, 78s, small pair) in aggro game -> not play small pair and suited connector in passive game -> open with this hands in loose game -> play it but no aggro. Try to make values of hand. Ex : 78s, early raiser and 2 callers ? -> call
1.4 Late : _ stealing try to steal preflop, and can continu on flop. But if opp call/raise... simply decision :) ex : 67 raise, button call. A92 rainbow, try to bet. Button call/raise ? -> fold save a bet if flop hit : 8JQ, KJ9 -> because button can easy play hand like 89, 9T, TJ, QJ or KQ. _ isolating = creating HU with position if possible ex : someone raise in mid, no one in pot -> reraise for get HU in position with 88. Good position for futur bluff and he can fold now ! -> take the lead ! do not isolate (rarely) an early raiser _ hand selection play prenium play mid hand + someone offsuit connector -> first to act ? -> raise -> multiway + suited connector -> raise for large the pot ! -> multiway + AQ/AJ -> limp and play carefuly
2. THREE CONCEPT : ------------------
2.1 Fundamentals learn odds !! ALL ODDS !! comparing the odds. odd to take <-> pot odd, minus ? fold
2.2 Hand reading skill -> pay attention KNOW YOUR OPP ! preflop : wich hand he raise ? he defend blind ? he loose ? tigh ? flop : wich hand he check/rasie ? he play draw aggro ? he can slowplay ? he never bluff ? he's calling station ? try to put your opp in range hand preflop -> narrow his on flop, turn and river
2.3 Psycology take 10 min to look your futur table : take the texture of table |-> take more aggro than normal |-> looser or tighter ? |-> anyone play "a-game" or is on tilt ? warning : texture of table can change very speedly... man go on tilt after BB. Be aware of YOUR image. It can change table ?
3. FLOP : ---------
3.1 aggressivity lead preflop ? -> bet for take the lead on flop
3.2 FPS avoid the FPS, the "Fancy Play Syndrome". Play STRAIGHFOWARD ! ex : AK, raise preflop, 2 caller. A49 rainbow -> fancy play = check, good play = bet
3.3 AK AKs in multiway and flop 789 diamond -> fold AKo in 4 handed, flop 678 2-diamond, check/check before |-> straightforward play -> chekc/fold. |-> can raise a better if you have a very good read on this
3.4 Big pairs raise preflop, if multiway and many action on flop -> fold be carrefull of connected flop, 8TJ, etc paid attention of action preflop and flop structure for take decision ex : QQ raise utg, one player reraise, flop come JT4 |-> bet, AK & AQ go away but AA, KK, JJ, TT beat you
3.5 Flopping top pair -> narrow opp -> aggro safe flop : AK on A49 rainbow, trap for AQ/AJ ex1 : AK in BB, one raiser + 2 limpers -> call (bet for narrow doesn't work) flop A49 -> check and raise the leader -> or bet, hope leader preflop raise for make 3-bet ex2 : AK in late, one raiser, you call flop A49 -> leader bet -> raise ! Do not call dangerous flop : straigh/flush draw may be one card on turn |-> aggro with AA for elarge the pot |-> aggro with 88 for narrow ex : button T8s, 5-handed, flop 843 -> all check to you -> bet ! -> one bet -> raise. If you get reraise ? Fold A reraise making information of opp hand -> more easy to take turn decision
3.6 Flopping mid pair + opp = - good is our hand Take decision in function of kicker |-> high of the flop ? Giving many out ? 78s on 67T or QJo on KQ4 monocolor. what appen if you hit your kicker ? KTs on Qc8cTx, if Kc hit ? _ mid pair + HU (blind exemple) vs blind : bet or check/raise for take information but but the decision depend of many : |-> "if they think you will bet without something -> bet with something" |-> "if they think you will bet with something -> bet without something" vs limper : bet for information _ mid pair + multiway -> check and see what developp all check and button (aggro player) bet ? -> raise _ mid pair + early position AQ on KQ2 -> bet get raised ? know your opp, can he raise only with K ? or not ? take the lead, avoid check/raising AQ on KQ2 -> blind bet ? -> raise |-> get information and narrow -> he just call -> AQ is good ! _ mid pair + late position bet but if someone raise -> he can think you are stealer |-> reraise for "test the water" ex1 : 66 on KK4 -> anyone bet -> raise in 4 handed |-> narrow, find if someone has king, head out better pair (77,88,...) ex2 : J8 on T86 clubs -> anyone bet -> do not raise -> fold |-> in this you want the card to beat him
3.7 Flopping a set -> bet/raise, play straighforward -> try to trap if you know your opp -> set + position is more simply -> bet or raise |-> if the flop is very safe -> call and check/raise turn |-> ex : 33 on K83 rainbow in 3 way
3.8 Flopping Flush Draw 3.8.1 Monster Draw 78s on 56J (56s) all check ? -> bet if one bet + many players after us -> call AKs vs QQ on 27sT -> AK favorite T9s vs AA on 8JsT -> 21 outs two times ! AKs on 6TsA -> bet/raise 3.8.2 Marginal flush draw small flush draw (only flush) -> try to make it, do not raise multiway + small flush draw -> pay attention on action |-> call tendencies in this situation Ac on K64c -> do not raise, call |-> with TJ, Tc -> if flush come on turn -> who call you ? A another flush, better flush 76s on TJ2s -> play cool on flop -> hard turn = double (for full) and another suited for over flush 3.8.3 Flush draw out of position 89s on 23sT + BB -> check/call, nerver check/raise |-> try to rest in multiway, avoid HU 3.8.4 Flush draw in position with position = more control ATs on 29sQ + 4 handed + initial raiser raise on flop + 2 caller -> reraise if initial raiser 3-bet, it's not very bad if initial raiser call, it's very good spot for hold the pot 3.8.5 Flush draw in HU try semi-bluff do not play like multiway pot play with your image, preflop action, etc tray to check/raise for by the turn
3.9 Flopping Straight Draw 3.9.1 Open-Ended and double belly bster count your "pur out". Out make flush for opp ? 3.9.2 Semi-Bluffing ex: 67, 6 handed, early raise, you call on BB. Flop 459 rainbow -> bet: if he call -> bet the turn for info -> if he raise turn -> call if he raise -> call and check/call turn -> check/raise: stronger play. If he call, bet turn if no big card come -> check/call: if opp "can't fold" 3.9.3 Gutshot draw 1:10.5 take in account the implied odd in function of flop structure add gutshot with flush or upcard for more values
3.10 Flopping "Made Hand" _ FULL what the play preflop ? know your opp bet on flop, anyone put you on flop HU -> slowplay _ FLUSH structure on flop ? A8s on K72s less war than A8s on QT5s _ STRAIGHT more dangerous flush draw ? -> bet highter straight draw ? -> bet nb of opp is important : HU -> slowplay, multiway -> bet (depend of flop structure)
4. TURN : ---------
4.1 When to call _ Against a bluffer loose minus if you loose take an extra bet on river if you raise he fold ? -> just call and hope he bet on river too _ Out of position & marginal hand slow down action by check/calling win/loss small pot _ For avoid "costly francy play" control the pot larger if you raise, opp can "forcing call" on for odd _ Drawing in multiway do not narrow -> call for guad many people do not bluffing with draw in multiway
4.2 When to raise _ Maximise profit think you have the best hand opp check/raise on flop ? -> just call on flop and check/raise on turn ! |-> isn't in "safe play" _ Semi-bluffing on scare card JTs on 79s2 and Ko on turn opp check/raise on flop and bet on turn raise for representing AK with preflop slowplay if he call, 21 outs -> if no one improve -> check river _ Isolate againt bluffer good hand + position is needed -> It's a advanced play _ When you are going to call anyway A7 on K739 opp check/raise you on flop and bet on turn (is BB) know your opp, can laydown ? raise ! he can fold 88 or K2, etc if he call, he probably check in river. We're improve ? -> bet. No improve ? -> check and showdown time !
4.3 When to fold _ Draws pot odds -> no favorable -> fold _ drawing dead TP on flop + multiway + flush enter on turn -> may action ? -> fold flush draw with 56s + multiway -> many actions ? -> fold _ When you know you are beat !! Don't pay for show or for miracle
5. RIVER : ----------
5.1 Calling Pot odds if the pot odd is 1:10 |-> if you want sure to 90% of time -> fold is correct |-> if 80% times is correct to fold in this situation ? -> call !
5.2 Folding sure to loose frequent in multiway or in drawing hand don't come
5.3 Values bet -> what your opp can have ? -> get situation to avoid value bet |-> AJ on J9469, opp on the draw. Draw not out, but he can hit 9 -> check/call bet if you think opp is behind but can call
5.4 Bluffing less effet than on turn -> because pot odd don't bluff with AK high successfully bluf start before the river
6. SHORTHANDED : ---------------- En vrac... Lead the hand, isolat opp, bet/raise more than FR. Reraise preflop is very importante in SH play suited connector more aggro
Dernière édition par le Lun 20 Nov 2006 - 13:37, édité 2 fois | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: 2 TO 7 Mar 25 Juil 2006 - 14:09 | |
| 2 TO 7 =-=-=-=
TRIPLE DRAW LOWBALL ------------------- _ deal 5 cards : bet ; draw ; bet ; draw ; bet ; draw ; bet _ fixed limit, double bet after 2nd draw
STARTING HAND -------------- _ don't live the gate without 2 !!
_ 23457 n1, 23467 n2, 23567 n3, 24567 n4, 23458 n5
_ pat hand : bet/raise, don't slowplay pat hand at 8 or 7 ! warning of 9
_ 1-card draw : all 7 or 8 draw are playable be carreful of straigh like : 4567 -> only 4 outs, the 2. Don't play in multiway multiway ex : 2347 raise and reraise with any 1-draw 8 draw + straigh -> fold 8 draw + no straigh -> call or raise good hand ? -> aggro middle hand ? -> fold TIGHT AGGRO !
_ 2-cards draw : majority of hand 234, 237, 235, 245, 247, 257 -> raise wary of the '6' after too much action -> fold 236, 246, 256, 267 good 8 draw -> 238, 248, 258, but not 268 ! stealing or defend blind with : 348, 357, 358, 367, 347, 457 -> but wary of this trash hand
_ 3-cards draw : stealing/defending, that all ! 23, 24, 25, 27
_ 4-cards draw & 5-cards draw : don't do it.
_ playing from blinds : pot-odds but 456 -> fold play excellent 3-cards draw and good 2 cards draw 8 play 2 cards-draw that don't have 2. like 347, 357, 367, 457 calling 1 raise but not 2 ! SB = warning because it's worst position in all round bet BB + HU = call 1 bet with any 3-cards draw to wheel
_ playing again raise : button + 234, 237, 1-card, pat -> reraise for take the lead in position ex : 238 good for opening, bad for calling
AFTER 1ST DRAW --------------- _ Miss ? Draw 1 card vs 2 cards = bet if position same number of draw = depending action before 2 cards not improved in multiway = call 1 bet but no 2
_ Improve ? being aggro for protect vs multiway pot being aggro or call in HU pot
_ keep 8 or draw to wheel ex : 237 and catch 8 -> discard it for wheel ? or gard ? nb opp : discard in multiway, gard in HU nb of cards drawing in opp : 3 or more -> keep 8 position : most importante because you know how many card (or not) your opp draw for next draw. out position : draw to wheel
_ making 8 on 1st draw 87 can be broken if opp is pat too because "we beat what ? vs pat ?" Nothing, or 9 pat... also 8 can pat : 86, 85
PLAYING AFTER 2ND DRAW ----------------------- _ when check opp that is one card ahead of you ex : me draw 1 and opp is pat, or me draw 2 and opp draw 1, etc check for free card and avoid check/raise
_ when bet you are a card ahead (inverse of check) 1 card vs 1 card -> bet with 9 and stay pat just 1 draw left, 9 pat is favorite remember disable card ex : 23477 vs check of opp + discard 3 & 4 in 1st draw -> bet ! bet with big draw
_ when call drawing 1 to wheel or any 7 call for trap opp opp : T, you 8 -> just call for he think has best hand opp : 1 card draw, me 2 cards draw improve one -> call
_ when raise have best hand ! 7, 85 or 86 multiway ? RAISE for take fold drawing hand HU raise too, wary of 86
_ making a play at the pot remember discard card know opp, with what he can stay pat have big draw for last ? don't try to bluff bad player
_ check-raising 1st draw : 2 for me, 1 for opp -> make a pat for me ? check, opp normaly bet, and raise good 8 or 7 -> check/raise bad 8 or 9 -> check/call check/raise better on 2nd draw (ie turn in holdem)
_ when to fold want drawing 2 card ? -> fold 234 + 2 cards draw underdog vs KQJT8 pat ! opp pat after 1st draw and we hold 5678 -> fold 2 bet before you and 1 card draw -> fold ex : one draw left, you have in button 2457. In front of you it as bet and raised ! -> fold
_ when to stay pat pat J is a small favorite vs any draw HU : position -> pat with 2347J if opp drawing HU : out position -> draw the J Multiway : position is very importante if you know you'r opp is drawing or not -> pat decision is easy out of position ? bet for take information -> is no-one raise, our 9 is probably best Same information by check... but it take free card for opp
_ when to break beginner ? don't break 8 or better think 86 or 85 is lad ? don't break -> fold in general rules, pat a 8 or fold. Breaking 8 can transform in nightmare
PLAY ON THE RIVER ----------------- _ when both you and your opp are drawing one don't bluff bluff if : good image and opp can laydowne on river bluff with : hand it can't win (big pair) turn for value bet (not bluff)
_ when opp is pat and you draw out of position try bluff if good opp, if he pat at 3 draw. If is pat since being... don't try. bet for safe play if catch 87 : try check/raise
_ when opp is pat and you draw in position if opp pat at last draw + take 8 -> bet/raise if opp pat at early draw + take 8 -> check/call
_ when opp draw and you are pat out of position if 9-T-J -> check if 7 -> try check/raise vs aggro or if you pat at last but generaly bet with 7 if check -> prepare to call futur one-bet (too many in pot for fold...)
_ when opp draw and you are pat in position pat with 8 -> check if opp check (for exit check/raise if he not miss) generaly check/call on river if not max
_ raising on river never put 5-bet with second 23467 !! reraise only with first 23457 bet -> raise -> reraise + n1 ? = call (stop raise)
THE VALUES OF PAIRES --------------------- 22337 vs 237KK = same draw (237) but 22337 more chance to win pot because he dead one 2 and 3 for opp snowing ! extrem exemple : 22223 : folding or draw 3 cards or bluff your hand ? because opp can't make a 7 and he want take hard decision with 8... if you snow and your opp stay pat -> WARNNING
A TO 5 ------- _ same but in 2-7 : 23457 and in A-5 : A2345 and flush or straigh count
_ no bluffing because easy to make strong hand (because flush and straigh don't count 8 is lad pat hand : A2368 -> draw 8
_ starting hand 1-draw : A234, A235, A245, A345, 2345, A236, A246, A346, A256, A356, A456, 2346, 2456 no 7 in one card draw straing hand
_ starting 2-draw : A23, A24, A34, 234 strongest 2 cards but : A25 to 256 is playable in good position
_ starting 3-draw : A2, A3, 23
_ flop and turn play = 2-7 but without bluffing in A-5
Dernière édition par le Ven 10 Nov 2006 - 12:53, édité 1 fois | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: inflection point (tournois) Mer 26 Juil 2006 - 12:48 | |
| Inflection points =-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=
Zones : -------
M = Stacks / (SB + BB + Antes), in full table
green zone, M>20 yellow zone, 10<M<20 orange zone, 6<M<10 red zone, 1<M<5 dead zone, M<1
Reconnaitre, si les joueurs ajuste leur jeu en fonction de leur M. Et jouer en fonction. ex : tight player, showdown a ATo, when he as opened the pot in utg+2 with a M=13. You can
be sur he know inflection point and has modified his game.
GREEN ZONE: ----------- Style are open. You can patiente, loose play, tight play, trap play, etc. Well your are in good position in the tournament
YELLOW ZONE : ------------- Play small looser. Play more aggressive : big pair & big cards Play more conservative : small pairs & suited connectors small pairs is bad with absence of implied odds. Try to manage the pot for that it's not too large !
ORANGE ZONE : ------------- Same by yellow but amplified FIRST-IN VIGORISH ! Whoever is first to enter the pot has TWO to win : _ no one else contest the pot _ win at showdown against other hand(s) that to contest the pot You can't wait a strong hand for act. Play small loosest thant yellow zone. Consider to open the pot with all-in move If you openning the pot with all-in move, small pair & suited connector become playable. You need to conserve your chips, saving them for big moves that could double your stack !
RED ZONE : ---------- red zone is : "alarm alarm !!!" only one bet possible -> all in Strong hand (As, KK ?) -> all in. Selection of hand : big pairs, medium pairs, two face cards are premium hand. small pairs, suited connectors is big hand too Grow down your selection if your position is good. Five or six players folded before you,
and your are the first to act. "3:1 rules" : M=3 no one has entered in the pot 50% opp fold on my all-in bet 2:1 chance to win if I get called --> You can move all in with a positive expectation
DEAD ZONE : ----------- Appear to alive but you're not. all in with any two cards. You should never allow yourself to get to this zone. this arrive only after "accident"
SHORTABLE ADJUSTEMENT : ----------------------- In shortable, you must adjust your M (and your play) : M effective = M x (number player / 10) ex: 100,000 chips, blinds+antes=12k, 5 players M = 8 M effective = 8 x (5/10) = 4 Your not in the same zone ! | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: Stud... les cartes outs Dim 8 Oct 2006 - 15:50 | |
| 4-flush draw on 5th : - Code:
flush card seen % to make flush 0 43 1 39 2 34 3 30 4 25 67/89 make straigh : - Code:
nb of 5 or T % 0 50 1 45 2 39 3 34 5A/5 make Ace up or trip : - Code:
nb of 5 or A % 0 41 1 34 2 26,5 3-flush on 3rd : - Code:
nb of card flush % 0 ?? 1 23 2 20 3 16 4 9 A2/34 on Razz : - Code:
nb of 5 to 8 seen % to make 8-low or better 0 82 1 79 2 76 3 73 4 69 5 65 6 61 7 56 8 52 A2/34 on Razz : - Code:
nb of 5 to 7 seen % to make 7-low or better 0 69 1 52 2 29 | |
| | | iggy38 Invité d'honneur
Nombre de messages : 2004 Age : 43 Localisation : Grenoble
| Sujet: DEAL EN TABLE FINAL Mer 6 Déc 2006 - 18:05 | |
| Les DEALS en table final ================
Mauvais deal -------------
partager le prices pool en fonction du % des chips. ex : 1er 40.000$ 2ieme 20.000$ player1 à 62.000 chips et le player2 à 38.000 chips total price pool restant = 60.000$ total chips = 100.000
player1 prend 62% de 60.000, soit 37.200$ player2 prend 38% de 60.000, soit 22.800$ (le reste)
--> Refaite le calcul mais avec player1 à 80.000 chips et player2 à 20.000 chips... player2 se retrouve avec 20% de 60.000, soit 12.000, soit moins que le prix de la deuxième place ! Ce n'est donc pas logique de "dealer" comme cela.
Bon deal --------
partager le prices pool en fonction des chance de gagner le premier prix ou le deuxième : ex : 1er 40.000$ 2ieme 20.000$ player1 à 62.000 et le player2 à 38.000 total price pool restant = 60.000$ total chips = 100.000
player1 à 62% de chance de gagner 40.000 et 38% de chance de gagner 20.000 player2 à 38% de chance de gagner 40.000 et 62% de chance de gagner 40.000
player1 = (0.62)(40000) + (0.38)(20000) player1 = 24800 + 7600 player1 = 32400
player2 = (0.38)(40000) + (0.62)(20000) player2 = 15200 + 12400 player2 = 27600
--> Si l'on refait le caclcul mais avec player1 à 80.000 chips et player2 à 20.000 chips : player1 = (0.8)(40000) + (0.2)(20000) = 36000 player2 = (0.2)(40000) + (0.8)(20000) = 24000
C'est donc logique de "dealer" de cette manière ! | |
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